Andy Wilson
Exploiting Gaps in Human Perception for HCI: Three Trompe-l’oeil
I will present three very different works in human computer interaction that play with our perception in surprising ways. Ostensibly, they address problems in interaction, but there is also an element of fun and pleasure to be experienced, or at the very least surprise. While in our field three exemplars is enough to lay claim to an unassailable generality, the three projects I will talk about are so radically different that a coherent theme would be a real stretch. Yet together they suggest how recent developments in sensing and display technologies allow us to manipulate the user’s perception in new and evocative ways.
Andy Wilson is a Principal Researcher and Research Manager at Microsoft Research. There he has been applying sensing technologies to enable new modes of human-computer interaction. His interests include gesture-based interfaces, inertial sensing and display technologies. He helped found the Surface Computing group at Microsoft, and pioneered early efforts to commercialize depth cameras at Microsoft. Before joining Microsoft, Andy obtained his BA at Cornell University, and MS and PhD at the MIT Media Laboratory. He currently manages the Natural Interaction Research group at Microsoft Research.