Sylvain Paris

Sylvain Paris

Adobe Systems

Photography Made Easy

With digital cameras and smartphones, taking a picture has become effortless and easy. Autofocus and autoexposure ensure that all photos are sharp and properly exposed. However, this is not sufficient to get great photos. Most pictures need to be retouched to become aesthetically pleasing. This step still requires a great deal of expertise and a lot of time when done with existing tools. Over the years, I have dedicated a large part of my research to improving this situation. In this talk, I will present a few recent results where we use existing photos by artists as models to make ordinary pictures look better.

Sylvain Paris is a researcher at Adobe Research in Cambridge Massachusetts. Before that, he was a post-doc at MIT with Frédo Durand and a student at INRIA in Grenoble with François Sillion. His interests cover computational photography and image processing. He has done several contributions to the field of photo and video editing, the goal being to help novices and experts create better pictures and videos. Some of the technology that he has invented is now available in commercial software such as Photoshop and Lightroom.