Due to the exceptional circumstances, paper presentations have been recorded by authors, and are available on the Graphics Interface Youtube Channel.
Bi-Axial Woven Tiles: Interlocking Space-Filling Shapes Based on Symmetries of Bi-Axial Weaving Patterns
Vinayak R. Krishnamurthy, Ergun Akleman, Sai Ganesh Subramanian, Katherine Boyd, Chia-an Fu, Matthew Ebert, Courtney Startett, Neeraj Yadav Paper presentation
Exploring Video Conferencing for Doctor Appointments in the Home: A Scenario-Based Approach from Patients’ Perspectives
Dongqi Han, Yasamin Heshmat, Carman Neustaedter Paper presentation
Yarn: Adding Meaning to Shared Personal Data through Structured Storytelling
Aristides Mairena, Martin Dechant, Carl Gutwin, Andy Cockburn paper presentation
A Baseline Study of Emphasis Effects in Information Visualization
Aristides Mairena, Martin Dechant, Carl Gutwin, Andy Cockburn paper presentation
Generation of 3D Human Models and Animations Using Simple Sketches
Alican Akman, Yusuf Sahillioglu, T. Metin Sezgin Paper presentation
Scope and Impact of Visualization in Training Professionals in Academic Medicine
Venkat Bandi, Debajyoti Mondal, Brent Thoma Paper presentation
Testing the Limits of the Spatial Approach: Comparing Retrieval and Revisitation Performance of Spatial and Paged Data Organizations for Large Item Sets
Carl Gutwin, Michael Van Der Kamp, Jeremy Storring, Andy Cockburn, Cody Phillips Paper presentation
Cluster-Flow Parallel Coordinates: Tracing Clusters Across Subspaces
Nils Rodrigues, Christoph Schulz, Antoine Lhuillier, Daniel Weiskopf Paper presentation
SheetKey: Generating Touch Events by a Pattern Printed with Conductive Ink for User Authentication
Shota Yamanaka, Tung D. Ta, Kota Tsubouchi, Fuminori Okuya, Kunihiro Kato, Kenji Tsushio, Yoshihiro Kawahara Paper presentation
Immersive Visualization of the Classical Non-Euclidean Spaces using Real-Time Ray Tracing in VR
Luiz Velho, Vinicius da Silva, Tiago Novello Paper presentation
Bend or PIN: Studying Bend Password Authentication with People with Vision Impairment
Daniella Briotto Faustino, Sara Nabil, Audrey Girouard Paper presentation
AuthAR: Concurrent Authoring of Tutorials for AR Assembly Guidance
Matt Whitlock, George Fitzmaurice, Tovi Grossman, Justin Matejka Paper presentation
StarHopper: A Touch Interface for Remote Object-Centric Drone Navigation
Jiannan Li, Ravin Balakrishnan, Tovi Grossman Paper presentation
Learning Multiple Mappings: an Evaluation of Interference, Transfer, and Retention with Chorded Shortcut Buttons
Carl Gutwin, Carl Hofmeister, David Ledo, Alix Goguey Paper presentation
Lean-Interaction: passive image manipulation in concurrent multitasking
Danny Schott, Benjamin Hatshcher, Fabian Joeres, Mareike Gabele, Stef Hußlein, Christian Hanser Paper presentation
Support System for Etching Latte Art by Tracing Procedure Based on Projection Mapping
Momoka Kawai, Shuhei Kodama, Tokiichiro Takahashi Paper presentation
We’re Here to Help: Company Image Repair and User Perception of Data Breaches
Zahra Hassanzadeh, Sky Marsen, Robert Biddle Paper presentation
UniNet: A Mixed Reality Driving Simulator
David F. Arppe, Loutfouz Zaman, Richard W. Pazzi, Khalil El-Khatib Paper presentation
Interactive Shape Based Brushing Technique for Trail Sets
Almoctar Hassoumi, María Jesús Lobo, Gabriel Jarry, Vsevolod Peysakhovich, Christophe Hurter Paper presentation
QCue: Queries and Cues for Computer-Facilitated Mind-Mapping
Ting-Ju Chen, Sai Ganesh Subramanian, Vinayak R. Krishnamurthy Paper presentation
Local Editing of Cross-Surface Mappings with Iterative Least Squares Conformal Maps
Donya Ghafourzadeh, Srinivasan Ramachandran, Martin De Lasa, Tiberiu Popa, Eric Paquette Paper presentation
Fine Feature Reconstruction in Point Clouds by Adversarial Domain Translation
Prashant Raina, Tiberiu Popa, Sudhir Mudur Paper presentation
Part-Based 3D Face Morphable Model with Anthropometric Local Control
Donya Ghafourzadeh, Cyrus Rahgoshay, Sahel Fallahdoust, Andre Beauchamp, Adeline Aubame, Tiberiu Popa, Eric Paquette Paper presentation
Gaggle: Visual Analytics for Model Space Navigation
Subhajit Das, Dylan Cashman, Remco Chang, Alex Endert Paper presentation
Exploring the Design of Patient-Generated Data Visualizations
Fateme Rajabiyazdi, Charles Perin, Lora Oehlberg, Sheelagh Carpendale Paper presentation
Gedit: Keyboard Gestures for Mobile Text Editing
Mingrui “Ray” Zhang, Jacob O. Wobbrock Paper presentation
Evaluating Temporal Delays and Spatial Gaps in Overshoot-avoiding Mouse-pointing Operations
Shota Yamanaka Paper presentation
Peephole Steering: Speed Limitation Models for Steering Performance in Restricted View Sizes
Shota Yamanaka, Hiroki Usuba, Haruki Takahashi, Homei Miyashita Paper presentation
Selection Performance Using a Scaled Virtual Stylus Cursor in VR
Seyed Amir Ahmad Didehkhorshid, Robert J. Teather Paper presentation
Personal+Context Navigation: Combining AR and Shared Displays in Network Path-Following
Raphaël James, Anastasia Bezerianos, Olivier Chapuis, Maxime Cordeil, Tim Dwyer, Arnaud Prouzeau Paper presentation
The Effect of Visual and Interactive Representations on Human Performance and Preference with Scalar Data Fields
Han L. Han, Miguel A. Nacenta Paper presentation
The Impact of Presentation Style on Human-in-The-Loop Detection of Algorithmic Bias
Po-Ming Law, Sana Malik, Fan Du, Moumita Sinha Paper presentation
Presenting Information Closer to Mobile Crane Operators’ Line of Sight: Designing and Evaluating Visualization Concepts Based on Transparent Displays
Taufik Akbar Sitompul, Rikard Lindell, Markus Wallmyr, Antti Siren Paper presentation
AnimationPak: Packing Elements with Scripted Animations
Reza Adhitya Saputra, Craig S. Kaplan, Paul Asente Paper presentation
Computer Vision Applications and their Ethical Risks in the Global South
Charles-Olivier Dufresne-Camaro, Fanny Chevalier, Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed Paper presentation
ColorArt: Suggesting Colorization For Graphic Arts Using Optimal Color-Graph Matching
Murtuza Bohra, Vineet Gandhi Paper presentation
Evaluation of Body-Referenced Graphical Menus in Virtual Environments
Irina Lediaeva, Joseph LaViola Paper presentation
Effects of Visual Distinctiveness on Learning and Retrieval in Icon Toolbars
Febi Chajadi, Md. Sami Uddin, Carl Gutwin Paper presentation
Gaze-Based Command Activation Technique Robust Against Unintentional Activation using Dwell-then-Gesture
Toshiya Isomoto, Shota Yamanaka, Buntarou Shizuki Paper presentation
Interactive Exploration of Genomic Conservation
Venkat Bandi, Carl Gutwin Paper presentation
Constraint-Based Spectral Space Template Deformation for Ear Scans
Srinivasan Ramachandran, Tiberiu Popa, Eric Paquette Paper presentation
Image Abstraction through Overlapping Region Growth
Rosa Azami, David Mould Paper presentation
AffordIt!: A Tool for Authoring Object Component Behavior in Virtual Reality
Sina Masnadi, Andrés N Vargas González, Brian Williamson, Joseph LaViola Paper presentation
Assistance for Target Selection in Mobile Augmented Reality
Vinod Asokan, Scott Bateman, Anthony Tang Paper presentation
Workflow Graphs: A Computational Model of Collective Task Strategies for 3D Design Software
Minsuk Chang, Ben Lafreniere, Juho Kim, George Fitzmaurice, Tovi Grossman Paper presentation