Graphics Courses

As a new addition to the computer graphics track in 2018, the first day of Graphics Interface will feature an afternoon of short courses given by two Canadian graphics faculty members.


libigl course

libigl: Prototyping Geometry Processing Research in C++

Summary: Modern geometry processsing algorithms depend on an ever-growing toolbox of fundamental sub-routines and data structures. Libigl is a C++ library of geometry processing algorithms designed for and by researchers. In this course, we will introduce libigl’s functional, minimal overhead API via live, hands-on coding examples.

Presenter: Alec Jacobson, University of Toronto


registration course

Modern Techniques and Applications for Real-Time Non-Rigid Registration

Summary: The course covers the foundations of registration algorithms by introducing their mathematical foundations and laying out practical tools for the design of real-time computer graphics/vision systems that jointly leverage color and depth sensor data, as well as pre-processed annotated datasets.

Presenter: Andrea Tagliasacchi, University of Victoria