David Levin
Simulation Driven Graphics and Fabrication
In 1987 the notion of using physics for computer animation was popularized. It spread like wildfire, spawning the field of physics-based animation which continues to thrive still. From its initial applications to animation, physics-based modeling has infiltrated almost every aspect of graphics. In this talk I’ll discuss why physical models are important for graphics, talk about some of my own work on physics simulation, and discuss how further embracing this type of physics-based computation will help us solve some of graphics biggest outstanding problems.
I am the Canada Research Chair in Simulation Driven Graphics and Fabrication. My main research interest is in using new simulation techniques to allow artists, engineers and scientists to study and create — everything from animations to machines. Currently I pursue this goal as an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. I’ve also spent time as an Associate Research Scientist at Disney Research and a postdoc with Prof. Wojciech Matusik at MIT. Before my tenure in Boston, MA I studied Sensorimotor computation under Dinesh K. Pai at the University of British Columbia and spent 3-months at WETA Digital working on biomechanics-based simulation.