Paper Formatting Instructions

Graphics Interface papers are distributed for review electronically. Our paper format is based on the format used for ACM conferences. Papers can be of any page length (though a length between 4 and 8 pages is common). Length is expected to be commensurate to the size of the contribution. All papers will have the same presentation time at the conference and there will be no distinction made between papers based on length in the program, proceedings or digital library. Exact talk duration will be determined when the program is finalized.

[NEW INFORMATION] For your submission please conform as closely as possible to the standard GI format. On the ACM proceedings-template Guidelines webpage you will find detailed instructions along with LaTex and word templates for generating PDF files. Here is the summary:

For LaTeX authors, submissions should preferably be made using the double-column format using \documentclass[sigconf, screen, anonymous]{acmart}.

For Word authors, submissions should be made using the double-column format template called interim-layout.docx.

You are also encouraged to submit supporting files, such as videos or source code. Uploaded videos should be encoded in a high quality format (e.g., MPEG-4) that works across as many platforms as possible without the installation of additional codecs. For instance, it is best if your video will play properly with vanilla versions of Windows Media Player, or Quicktime, or VLC player. Please note that your total submission size cannot exceed 100.0 MB, including your submission document and any additional material. If you cannot comply with this limit, please contact one of the conference chairs.

Preparing Final Submission of Accepted Papers

Once your paper is accepted, you must prepare your camera ready pdf and other materials by following the guidelines above. As we have moved to a digital proceedings, there will no longer be any printing charges for colour or extra pages.

Links on Writing

Essential reading:

Other resources: