Celine Latulipe is the recipient of the Alain Fournier Ph.D. Thesis Award. Her thesis, entitled A Model for Symmetric Interaction, demonstrates the benefits of a two-handed mouse-based symmetric user interface to increase expressiveness and productivity in practical settings. The successful pursuit of this thesis topic required her to develop a surprisingly wide range of skills, everything from the low-level programming of hardware devices to the careful design and execution of user studies.
Celine completed her university studies at the University of Waterloo, including her B.A. Honours in Economics and Applied Studies, her Master’s degree in computer science under the supervision of William Cowan, and her Ph.D. in computer science under the supervision of Craig Kaplan and Charles Clark. During her studies, she has also been very active in promoting computer science to young women, helping to organize a program to bring young women from Canadian high schools to the University of Waterloo. She is now a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.