Early Career Researcher Award

Manolis Savva

2022 Early Career Researcher Award

Manolis Savva has established himself as a central figure in topics at the intersection of computer graphics, 3D sensing, and machine learning. In a short time he has produced a very impressive collection of publications across multiple areas of computer science, including several datasets that have become standard resources for new research.

Manolis Savva is an Assistant Professor of Computing Science at Simon Fraser University, and a Canada Research Chair in Computer Graphics. His research focuses on analysis, organization and generation of 3D content, forming a path to holistic 3D scene understanding revolving around people, and enabling applications in computer graphics, computer vision, and robotics. Prior to his current position he was a visiting researcher at Facebook AI Research, and a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University under the supervision of Pat Hanrahan, and his B.A. in Physics and Computer Science from Cornell University. The impact of his work has been recognized by a number of awards including the SGP 2020 Dataset Award for ScanNet, an ICCV 2019 Best Paper Award Nomination for Habitat, and the SGP 2018 Dataset Award for ShapeNet.