@inproceedings{MPT-gi97, title = {An Image-Space Refinement Criterion for Linear Hierarchical Radiosity}, author = {Ignacio Martin and Xavier Pueyo and Dani Tost}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 1997 Conference, May 21-23, 1997, Kelowna, BC, Canada}, year = {1997}, month = {May}, pages = {26--36}, url = {} }
A Linear Hierarchical Radiosity method using point collocation and triangle meshes is proposed that allows C0 continuity and performs energy exchange at any level both in the shooter and the receiver; this method leads to an exact representation of the Gouraud shading interpolation that will be used for rendering. A new refinement criterion is presented which tries to improve image quality taking into account: the smoothness of the solution based on pixel intensity values instead of energy ones, and visibility changes along the surfaces for high gradient detection (sharp shadows). In order to perform a efficient refinement a data structure is proposed which isolates every shooter contribution over each receiver and allows to only refine high error interactions.