Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85

Montréal, Québec, Canada: 27 - 31 May 1985

© 1985. Published by Canadian Information Processing Society.


Graphics Interface ’85, the 11th CMCCS conference, was the first truly international computer graphics conference in Canada. For the first time, the conference was presented jointly by the CMCCS and the Computer Graphics Society, a society with sections in Japan, Europe, the United States and Canada. This gave the conference an international scope. Papers were submitted from Canada. the United States, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Hong Kong, among other countries.


  • Daniel Thalmann

Acceptance Rate

Total Submitted100
Total Accepted62
Acceptance Rate62%

Proceedings (448 pages total)

    Proceedings of Graphics Interface '85: Front Matter
    • BibTeX

      editor = {Thalmann, Daniel},
      title = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’85: Front Matter},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      numpages = {448},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.00},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Image Synthesis/Synthese D'images
    A theoretical and empirical analysis of coherent ray-tracing
    • BibTeX

      author = {Speer, Richard and DeRose, Tony and Barsky, Brian},
      title = {A theoretical and empirical analysis of coherent ray-tracing},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {1--8},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.01},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Frame buffer algorithms for stochastic models
    • BibTeX

      author = {Fournier, Alain and Milligan, Tom},
      title = {Frame buffer algorithms for stochastic models},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {9--16},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.02},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Specifying stochastic objects in a hierarchical graphics system
    • BibTeX

      author = {Wyvill, Brian and McPheeters, Craig},
      title = {Specifying stochastic objects in a hierarchical graphics system},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {17--20},
      numpages = {4},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.03},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Applications 1
    The interactive planning work station: A graphics-based UNIX TM tool for application users and developers
    • BibTeX

      author = {Bournique, Richard and Candrea, Ronald and Hartman, Don},
      title = {The interactive planning work station: A graphics-based UNIX TM tool for application users and developers},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {21--28},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.04},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Computer graphics for multivariate data
    • BibTeX

      author = {Cl{\'e}roux, Robert and Lepage, Yves and Ranger, Normand},
      title = {Computer graphics for multivariate data},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {29--36},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.05},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Interfacing interactive circuit simulation with standard graphics facilities
    • BibTeX

      author = {Gillard, P. and Zuberek, W.},
      title = {Interfacing interactive circuit simulation with standard graphics facilities},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {37--43},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.06},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Medical Computer Graphics/Imagerie Medicale
    Computer analysis techniques for the temporal evaluation of cardiac wall motion
    • BibTeX

      author = {Ratib, Osman and Righetti, Alberto},
      title = {Computer analysis techniques for the temporal evaluation of cardiac wall motion},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {45--49},
      numpages = {5},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.07},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A computerized system for spot detection and analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis images
    • BibTeX

      author = {Appel, R. and Funk, M. and Pellegrini, C.},
      title = {A computerized system for spot detection and analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis images},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {51--56},
      numpages = {6},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.08},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A new basis for automatic foetal topogram analysis
    • BibTeX

      author = {Hern{\'a}ndez, Carlos},
      title = {A new basis for automatic foetal topogram analysis},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {57--60},
      numpages = {4},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.09},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Graphical Data Bases/Bases De Donnees Graphiques
    Un noyau de gestion iconographique pour la conception de bases de données image / An image management kernel for the design of relational and pictorial data bases
    • BibTeX

      author = {Chassignet, Philippe},
      title = {Un noyau de gestion iconographique pour la conception de bases de donn{\'e}es image / An image management kernel for the design of relational and pictorial data bases},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {61--68},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.10},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Spatial trees: A fast access method for unstructured graphical data
    • BibTeX

      author = {R., Dan and Olsen, Jr. and Cooper, Carol},
      title = {Spatial trees: A fast access method for unstructured graphical data},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {69--74},
      numpages = {6},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.11},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Graphics interaction in databases
    • BibTeX

      author = {Frasson, C. and Erradi, M.},
      title = {Graphics interaction in databases},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {75--81},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.12},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Computer Animation/ Animation Par Ordinateur
    ANIMENGINE: An engineering animation system
    • BibTeX

      author = {Noma, Tsukasa and Kun, Tosiyasu},
      title = {ANIMENGINE: An engineering animation system},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {83--90},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.13},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    3D computer animation: More an evolution problem than a motion problem
    • BibTeX

      author = {Magnenat-Thalmann, N. and Thalmann, D.},
      title = {3D computer animation: More an evolution problem than a motion problem},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {91--96},
      numpages = {6},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.14},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Using dynamic analysis to animate articulated bodies such as humans and robots
    • BibTeX

      author = {Wilhelms, Jane and Barsky, Brian},
      title = {Using dynamic analysis to animate articulated bodies such as humans and robots},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {97--104},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.15},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Towards an integrated view of 3-D computer character animation
    • BibTeX

      author = {Zeltzer, David},
      title = {Towards an integrated view of 3-D computer character animation},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {105--115},
      numpages = {11},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.16},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Editing And Printing Systems/Systemes D'edition Et D'impression
    Research issues in generating graphical explanations
    • BibTeX

      author = {Feiner, Steven},
      title = {Research issues in generating graphical explanations},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {117--123},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.17},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    An integrated system for printing and publishing applications
    • BibTeX

      author = {Cavaliere, S. and Fantini, M. and Turtur, A.},
      title = {An integrated system for printing and publishing applications},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {125--132},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.18},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Reconnaissance et mise au net de schémas électroniques manuscrits
    • BibTeX

      author = {Silbermann, Martine and Deschizeaux, Pierre},
      title = {Reconnaissance et mise au net de sch{\'e}mas {\'e}lectroniques manuscrits},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {133--138},
      numpages = {6},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.19},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A model for a document maintenance system
    • BibTeX

      author = {Kaplan, Matthew},
      title = {A model for a document maintenance system},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {139--146},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.20},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
User Interface/Interface Avec L'usager
    Issues and techniques in touch-sensitive tablet input
    • BibTeX

      author = {Buxton, W. and Hill, R. and Rowley, P.},
      title = {Issues and techniques in touch-sensitive tablet input},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {147--149},
      numpages = {3},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.21},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Efficient recovery and reversal in graphical user interfaces generated by the Higgens system
    • BibTeX

      author = {Hudson, Scott and King, Roger},
      title = {Efficient recovery and reversal in graphical user interfaces generated by the Higgens system},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {151--158},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.22},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A model for graphics interface tool development
    • BibTeX

      author = {Joy, Kenneth},
      title = {A model for graphics interface tool development},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {159--165},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.23},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Using percent-done progress indicators to enhance user interfaces
    • BibTeX

      author = {Myers, Brad},
      title = {Using percent-done progress indicators to enhance user interfaces},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {167--170},
      numpages = {4},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.24},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Image Processing/Traitement D'images
    The scientific and technical issues in integrating remotely sensed imagery with geocoded data bases
    • BibTeX

      author = {Strome, Murray and Grush, Berne},
      title = {The scientific and technical issues in integrating remotely sensed imagery with geocoded data bases},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {171--177},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.25},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Selection of segment similarity measures for hierarchical picture segmentation
    • BibTeX

      author = {Beaulieu, Jean-Marie and Goldberg, Morris},
      title = {Selection of segment similarity measures for hierarchical picture segmentation},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {179--186},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.26},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A general purpose image processing package
    • BibTeX

      author = {Caplain, Michel and Metral, Claudine and Pellegrini, Christian},
      title = {A general purpose image processing package},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {187--194},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.27},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A new approach to linear quadtrees
    • BibTeX

      author = {Davis, Wayne and Wang, Xiaoning},
      title = {A new approach to linear quadtrees},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {195--202},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.28},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    An analysis and algorithm for filling propagation
    • BibTeX

      author = {Fishkin, Kenneth and Barsky, Brian},
      title = {An analysis and algorithm for filling propagation},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {203--212},
      numpages = {10},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.29},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Hologram-like transmission of pictures
    • BibTeX

      author = {Prusinkiewicz, Przemyslaw and Christopher, Mark},
      title = {Hologram-like transmission of pictures},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {213--219},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.30},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A multi-touch three dimensional touch-sensitive tablet
    • BibTeX

      author = {Lee, S. and Buxton, W. and Smith, K.},
      title = {A multi-touch three dimensional touch-sensitive tablet},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {221--222},
      numpages = {2},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.31},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    The "CADME" approach to the interface of solid modellers
    • BibTeX

      author = {Bizzozero, Carlo and Cugini, Umberto},
      title = {The “CADME” approach to the interface of solid modellers},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {223--229},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.32},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    An innovative user interface for microcomputer-based computer-aided design
    • BibTeX

      author = {Lichten, Larry and Eaton, Ronald},
      title = {An innovative user interface for microcomputer-based computer-aided design},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {231--235},
      numpages = {5},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.33},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A geometric modeller for turbomachinery applications
    • BibTeX

      author = {Ozell, B. and Camarero, R.},
      title = {A geometric modeller for turbomachinery applications},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {237--244},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.34},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Architecture of languages for large CAD systems development
    • BibTeX

      author = {Liu, Clive},
      title = {Architecture of languages for large CAD systems development},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {245--251},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.35},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Applications 2
    A graphics interface for interactive simulation of packet-switched networks
    • BibTeX

      author = {Houle, J. and Richardson, L.},
      title = {A graphics interface for interactive simulation of packet-switched networks},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {253--258},
      numpages = {6},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.36},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Design and implementation of an interactive route editor
    • BibTeX

      author = {Lapalme, Guy and Cormier, Michel},
      title = {Design and implementation of an interactive route editor},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {259--263},
      numpages = {5},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.37},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Project management using graphics
    • BibTeX

      author = {Pettinati, Fabio},
      title = {Project management using graphics},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {265--272},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.38},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    The automatic labeling of geographic maps - A problem in computer aesthetics
    • BibTeX

      author = {Freeman, Herbert},
      title = {The automatic labeling of geographic maps – A problem in computer aesthetics},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {273--281},
      numpages = {9},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.39},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    How map designers can represent their ideas in thematic maps: Effective user interfaces for thematic map design
    • BibTeX

      author = {Yamahira, Takuya and Kasahara, Yutaka and Tsurutani, Tateyuki},
      title = {How map designers can represent their ideas in thematic maps: Effective user interfaces for thematic map design},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {283--290},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.40},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Applied computer graphics in a geographic information system - Problems and successes
    • BibTeX

      author = {MacDonald, C. and Crain, I.},
      title = {Applied computer graphics in a geographic information system – Problems and successes},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {291--296},
      numpages = {6},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.41},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    A user-friendly computer-aided construction of boundaries
    • BibTeX

      author = {Grundey, K. and Schweitzer, U. and Neuser, R.},
      title = {A user-friendly computer-aided construction of boundaries},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {297--301},
      numpages = {5},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.42},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Image Perception/Perception Des Images
    Image synthesis: Optical identity or pictorial communication?
    • BibTeX

      author = {Mills, Michael},
      title = {Image synthesis: Optical identity or pictorial communication?},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {303--308},
      numpages = {6},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.43},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Strategic use of business graphics: a stakeholder approach
    • BibTeX

      author = {Lejeune, Albert and Bolduc, Fran{\c c}ois and Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia},
      title = {Strategic use of business graphics: a stakeholder approach},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {309--312},
      numpages = {4},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.44},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Colour spaces and colour contrast
    • BibTeX

      author = {Naiman, Avi},
      title = {Colour spaces and colour contrast},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {313--320},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.45},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Colour coding scales and computer graphics
    • BibTeX

      author = {Heath, A. and Flavell, R.},
      title = {Colour coding scales and computer graphics},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {321--328},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.46},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Geometric Modeling/Modélisatiomn Géométrique
    A simple but systematic CSG system
    • BibTeX

      author = {Kun, Tosiyasu and Wyvill, Geoff},
      title = {A simple but systematic CSG system},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {329--336},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.47},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Geometric continuity with interpolating Bézier curves
    • BibTeX

      author = {Fournier, Alain and Barsky, Brian},
      title = {Geometric continuity with interpolating B{\'e}zier curves},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {337--341},
      numpages = {5},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.48},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    An intuitive approach to geometric continuity for parametric curves and surfaces
    • BibTeX

      author = {DeRose, Tony and Barsky, Brian},
      title = {An intuitive approach to geometric continuity for parametric curves and surfaces},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {343--351},
      numpages = {9},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.49},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Building an octree from a set of parallelepipeds
    • BibTeX

      author = {Franklin, Wm. and Akman, Varol},
      title = {Building an octree from a set of parallelepipeds},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {353--359},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.50},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Graphic Standards: NAPLPS And GKS/Les Standards Graphiques NAPLPS Et GKS
    Interface abstractions for an naplps page creation system
    • BibTeX

      author = {Chang, Ernest},
      title = {Interface abstractions for an naplps page creation system},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {361--363},
      numpages = {3},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.51},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Developing graphical tools with minimal GKS
    • BibTeX

      author = {Sabourin, Robert and Lowther, D.},
      title = {Developing graphical tools with minimal GKS},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {365--372},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.52},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Designing a graphics application interface
    • BibTeX

      author = {Wilson, John and Chen, Stuart and Sadofsky, Steven},
      title = {Designing a graphics application interface},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {373--380},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.53},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    NAPGEN - automatic NAPLPS page generator
    • BibTeX

      author = {Plante, Michel},
      title = {NAPGEN – automatic NAPLPS page generator},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {381--383},
      numpages = {3},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.54},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Robotics And Cad/Cam/Robotique Et CAO/FAO
    Non-rigid body motion
    • BibTeX

      author = {Dill, Andreas and Levine, Martin},
      title = {Non-rigid body motion},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {385--389},
      numpages = {5},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.55},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Multi-robot assembly of IC's
    • BibTeX

      author = {Michaud, C. and Malowany, A. and Levine, M.},
      title = {Multi-robot assembly of IC’s},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {391--397},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.56},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Low cost geometric modelling system for CAM
    • BibTeX

      author = {Ngai, W. and Chan, Y.},
      title = {Low cost geometric modelling system for CAM},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {399--406},
      numpages = {8},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.57},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Computer Animation And Image Synthesis/ Animation Par Ordinateur Et Synthese D'images
    The dynamics of articulated rigid bodies for purposes of animation
    • BibTeX

      author = {Armstrong, W. and Green, M.},
      title = {The dynamics of articulated rigid bodies for purposes of animation},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {407--415},
      numpages = {9},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.58},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Shadow volumes for non-planar polygons
    • BibTeX

      author = {Bergeron, Philippe},
      title = {Shadow volumes for non-planar polygons},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {417--418},
      numpages = {2},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.59},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Computer animation in distance teaching
    • BibTeX

      author = {Greenberg, Joel},
      title = {Computer animation in distance teaching},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {419--423},
      numpages = {5},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.60},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Artificial Intelligence/Intelligence Artificielle
    Generative design in architecture using an expert system
    • BibTeX

      author = {Gullichsen, Eric and Chang, Ernest},
      title = {Generative design in architecture using an expert system},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {425--433},
      numpages = {9},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.61},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Knowledge engineering application in image processing
    • BibTeX

      author = {Mikame, Kazuo and Sueda, Naomichi and Hoshi, Akira and Honiden, Shinichi},
      title = {Knowledge engineering application in image processing},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {435--441},
      numpages = {7},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.62},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
    Heuristic rules for visualization
    • BibTeX

      author = {Scholl, Laura},
      title = {Heuristic rules for visualization},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface '85},
      series = {GI 1985},
      year = {1985},
      issn = {0713-5424},
      location = {Montr{\'e}al, Qu{\'e}bec, Canada},
      pages = {443--446},
      numpages = {4},
      doi = {10.20380/GI1985.63},
      publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
      address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},