@inproceedings{GMFS-gi97, title = {A heuristic method for generating {2D CSG} trees from bitmaps}, author = {Sarah F. Gibson and Joe Marks and Danielle Feinberg and Manuel Sosa}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 1997 Conference, May 21-23, 1997, Kelowna, BC, Canada}, year = {1997}, month = {May}, pages = {163--172}, url = {} }
This paper presents a method for generating compact and effective constructive-solid-geometry (CSG) object representations from 2D bitmap representations. The method consists of two parts: a stochastic search procedure for finding candidate CSG trees and a local optimization procedure that modifies the primitives of a given CSG tree to effect a better match. Results for several sample input bitmaps are presented and an application of this method to automatic geometric morphing between pairs of bitmaps is shown.