@inproceedings{VIAC-gi99, title = {A User Centered Task Analysis of Interface Requirements for MRI Viewing}, author = {Johanna E. van der Heyden and Kori M. Inkpen and M. Stella Atkins and M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 1999 Conference, June 2-4, 1999, Kingston, Ontario, Canada}, year = {1999}, month = {June}, pages = {18--26}, url = {} }
This paper explores the viability of Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) presentation on a computer screen. This includes investigating the feasibility of presenting the information on a desktop computer in a manner that facilitates MRI analysis and medical diagnosis. Two key objectives are identified: 1) understand the MRI analysis task and determine specific presentation issues and requirements through observations of radiologists; and 2) obtain user feedback on design alternatives. Observations of the MRI analysis task in the traditional light screen environment reveal three requirement categories: user control of films, easy navigation of images and simultaneous availability of detail and context. Design proposals, based on these requirements, include the use of windowing techniques, workspace and overview design, and detail-in-context concepts, as well as the adoption of metaphor and structure from the traditional light screen environment. The results from the preliminary user feedback support the value and feasibility of providing MRI analysis on a computer screen.