@inproceedings@inproceedings{diamond-gi2001, title = {Sensing what we know}, author = {Sara Diamond}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2001 Conference, June 7-9 2001, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada}, url = {}, year = {2001}, month = {June}, pages = {233--233}, note = {invited presentation} }
Drawing from examples at the prestigious Banff Centre for the Arts, and her own Code Zebra project, Diamond will explore the kinds of knowledge that artists and scientists can create through crossdisciplinary collaboration, including the capability to understand what we do not know. How does creativity in art and science parallel? Where does discovery rely on intuition, the sensorium, affective process and lateral thinking? Does science lose its credibility if it acknowledges these dynamics in research? In the early part of the previous century, artists repurposed old or current technologies, interrogating and changing their values. From the dada movement on artists’ works have offered a social and cultural critique of technology, at times suggesting new ways of understanding its potential. Since the late 1980s, artists have flowed more aggressively into actual invention and innovation. Have they contributed? Artists are currently in the foreground of work in three areas: collaborative tool development, agent based software environments, and advanced visualization/sensory systems. Whether the Audience Project by Adam Frank, with its responsive characters, the ice cream code project by Simon Pope, Subtract the Sky by Sharon Daniels and Mark Bartlett, the No Time project by Victoria Vesna, or Code Zebra, by Diamond and her computer science collaborators, artists are providing another way of imagining our relationships to one another and the world. Diamond will offer current examples of projects as food for thought.