author = {Bateman, Scott and Doucette, Andre and Xiao, Robert and Gutwin, Carl and Mandryk, Regan and Cockburn, Andy},
title = {Effects of view, input device, and track width on video game driving},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2011},
series = {GI 2011},
year = {2011},
issn = {0713-5424},
isbn = {978-1-4503-0693-5},
location = {St. John{\textquoteright}s, Newfoundland, Canada},
pages = {207--214},
numpages = {8},
publisher = {Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society},
address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
Steering and driving tasks -- where the user controls a vehicle or other object along a path -- are common in many simulations and games. Racing video games have provided users with different views of the visual environment -- e.g., overhead, first-person, and third-person views. Although research has been done in understanding how people perform using a first-person view in virtual reality and driving simulators, little empirical work has been done to understand the factors that affect performance in video games. To establish a foundation for thinking about view in the design of driving games and simulations, we carried out three studies that explored the effects of different view types on driving performance. We also considered how view interacts with difficulty and input device. We found that although there were significant effects of view on performance, these were not in line with conventional wisdom about view. Our explorations provide designers with new empirical knowledge about view and performance, but also raise a number of new research questions about the principles underlying view differences.