@inproceedings@inproceedings{Xu:CBA:2002, title = {Constraint-Based Automatic Placement for Scene Composition}, author = {Ken Xu and James Stewart and Eugene Fiume}, booktitle = (Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2002 Conference, May 27-29, 2002, Calgary, Alberta, Canada}, url = {}, year = {2002}, month = {May}, location = {Calgary, Alberta}, pages = {25--34} }
The layout of large scenes can be a time-consuming and tedious task. In most current systems, the user must position each of the objects by hand, one at a time. This paper presents a constraint-based automatic placement system, which allows the user to quickly and easily lay out complex scenes. The system uses a combination of automatically-generated placement constraints, pseudo-physics, and a semantic database to guide the automatic placement of objects. Existing scenes can quickly be rearranged simply by reweighting the placement preferences. We show that the system enables a user to lay out a complex scene of 300 objects in less than 10 minutes.