@inproceedings@inproceedings{Hauser:gi2003:IDU, title = {Interactive Point-based Modeling of Complex Objects from Images}, author = {Pierre Poulin and Marc Stamminger and Fran{c{c}}ois Duranleau and Marie-Claude Frasson and George Drettakis}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2003 Conference, June 11-13, 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada}, organization = {CIPS, Canadian Human-Computer Communication Society}, publisher = {Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society and A K Peters Ltd.}, issn = {0713-5424}, isbn = {1-56881-207-8}, location = {Halifax, Nova Scotia}, url = {}, year = {2003}, month = {June}, pages = {11--20} }
The creation of realistic 3D face models is still a fundamental problem in computer graphics. In this paper we present a novel method to obtain the 3D shape of an arbitrary human face using a sequence of silhouette images as input. Our face model is a linear combination of eigenheads, which are obtained by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of laser-scanned 3D human faces. The coefficients of this linear decomposition are used as our model parameters. We introduce a near-automatic method for reconstructing a 3D face model whose silhouette images match closest to the set of input silhouettes.