The Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society (CHCCS) / Société canadienne du dialogue humain-machine (SCDHM) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing research and education in the fields of computer graphics, visualization and human-computer interaction. It is a Special Interest Group within the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS). CHCCS/SCDHM sponsors an annual conference, Graphics Interface (www.graphicsinterface.org), that is often held as part of a larger set of conferences, AI/GI/CRV CHCCS/SCDHM sponsors four awards:
- The annual Michael A. J. Sweeney Award for the best student paper(s) at the Graphics Interface conference,
- The annual Alain Fournier Ph.D. Dissertation Award for the best doctoral dissertation by a Canadian student in the field of computer graphics,
- The annual Bill Buxton Ph.D. Dissertation Award for the best doctoral dissertation by a Canadian student in the field of human-computer interaction,
- The annual CHCCS/SCDHM Achievement Award presented to a Canadian researcher who has made a substantial research contributions to the fields of computer graphics, visualization, or human-computer interaction,
- and the CHCCS/SCDHM Service Award presented from time to time to a person who has made substantial service contributions to the society.
Members who attend the annual Graphics Interface conference will be eligible for a member discount on registration fees and will receive a copy of the proceedings at the conference if hardcopy proceedings are produced. Members who do not attend the annual Graphics Interface conference will be mailed a copy of the proceedings as a member benefit in lieu of a member discount on registration fees if hardcopy proceedings are produced.