Graphics Interface (GI) is an annual international conference devoted to computer graphics and human-computer interaction (HCI). With a graphics track and an HCI track having equal weights in the conference, GI offers a unique venue for a meeting of minds working on computer graphics and interactive techniques. GI is the longest running conference in the field (the first conference was held in 1969), consistently attracting high-quality submissions from graphics, HCI, as well as visualization.
The conference prides itself on high quality reviewing with all paper submissions being fully peer reviewed by at least two members of the program committee and two external reviewers. Since 2004, accepted papers have been archived in the ACM Digital Library, while earlier years are available in the Graphics Interface Archive.
The Michael A. J. Sweeney Award is awarded at the conference to the best student papers in graphics and HCI. This award comes with a CHCCS sponsored $200 cash prize, and, in some years, an industry sponsored prize. Authors of selected top papers have been invited to submit extended and revised manuscripts to be considered, with partial reviewer continuity, for journal publication in IEEE TVCG (since 2015) and in a special section of Computers and Graphics (since 2012). Theses journal publication agreements are renewed annually.
GI features two invited keynote speakers, one from the area of graphics and the other from human-computer interaction. The conference includes a posters and demos session featuring late breaking research and work in progress with high potential. Best posters are selected for both the HCI and graphics tracks. Each set of winning poster co-authors receive a CHCCS sponsored $50 cash prize, or in some years an industry sponsored prize.
An additional keynote talk is given by the winner(s) of the CHCCS Achievement Award, and invited talks are given by winners of the Alain Fournier and Bill Buxton Ph.D. Dissertation awards. GI is held in conjunction with Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). A single registration provides access to all keynotes, invited and paper talks, as well as the common poster and demo session of the three conferences.
Graphics Interface is sponsored by the Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society (CHCCS/SCDHM). Vision Interface is sponsored by the Canadian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society (CIPPRS) and the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference is sponsored by the Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence (CAIAC).
Getting Involved
All Graphics Interface attendees are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting, or to contact any member of the Executive Committee about CHCCS/SCDHM. We encourage anyone interested in the future of Graphics Interface to attend and get involved.
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