@inproceedings{Provot1995:17, author = {Xavier Provot}, title = {Deformation Constraints in a Mass-Spring Model to Describe Rigid Cloth Behaviour}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Graphics Interface '95}, series = {GI '95}, year = {1995}, isbn = {0-9695338-4-5}, issn = {0713-5424}, location = {Quebec, Quebec, Canada}, pages = {147--154}, numpages = {8}, url = {}, publisher = {Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society}, address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada}, }
Proceedings: GI 1995
Deformation constraints in a mass-spring model to describe rigid cloth behaviour
Xavier Provot
Proceedings of Graphics Interface '95: Québec, Québec, Canada, 17 - 19 May 1995, 147-154
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