@inproceedings{WSHS-gi98, title = {Interactive Volume Cutting}, author = {Kevin Chun-Ho Wong and Yu-Hang Siu Siu and Pheng-Ann Heng and Hanqiu Sun}, booktitle ={Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 1998 Conference, June 18-20, 1998, Vancouver, BC, Canada}, year = {1998}, month = {June}, pages = {99--106}, url = {} }
In 2D, Intelligent Scissors is an efficient interactive tool for image segmentation. By interactive use of a dynamic-programming graph-searching algorithm, a region of interest in the image can be accurately obtained. In this paper, we introduce the use of Intelligent Scissors for contour detection on a volumetric data surface. It is fast enough to be used in an interactive virtual environment, in which the user can intuitively select the contours in volumetric data in an accurate and robust manner. Moreover, we extend our work to the volume data manipulation, cutting off the interesting part of the volume by providing a contour on its surface. The cutting surface is computed by a fast dynamic programming algorithm. By using this tool, many new volumetric data models can be created from an existing one in an effective way.