Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of Graphics Interface '96

Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 22 - 24 May 1996

© 1996. Published by Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society. ISBN 0-9695338-5-3.


The twenty second Graphics Interface featured three invited speakers whose contributions to computer graphics, its theory and its practice, had raised the profession significantly over the years: Bill Reeves, Jim Foley, and Nestor Burtnyk. Nestor Burtnyk was one of the pioneers in computer animation, an industry that Bill Reeves now represents with such presence. Computer techniques come onto desktops with interfaces designed to assist the user. The best assistance follows precepts of interaction laid down by Jim Foley. Nestor Burtnyk was the recipient of the 1996 CHCCS/SCDHM Achievement Award. GI ’96 also saw the introduction of the Michael A. J. Sweeney Awards.


  • Richard Bartels
  • Wayne A. Davis


    Bill Reeves
    Jim Foley
    Nestor Burtnyk


Acceptance Rate

Total Submitted72
Total Accepted29
Acceptance Rate40.3%

Proceedings (259 pages total)

    Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 1996 Conference, May 22-24, 1996, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Front Matter
Visualization I
    Database Management for Interactive Display of Large Architectural Models
    Exploring human visualization of computer algorithms
    An Adaptable Software Architecture for Rapidly Creating Information Visualizations
    Awareness through fisheye views in relaxed-WYSIWIS groupware
    Virtual pointing on a computer display: non-linear control-display mappings
    The effect of feedback on a color selection interface
    Geometric Deformation by Merging a 3D Object with a Simple Shape
    View synthesis from unregistered 2-D images
    Multi-frame thrashless ray casting with advancing ray-front
    Error diffusion: Wavefront traversal and contrast considerations
Modeling and Applications
    Algebraic loop detection and evaluation algorithms for curve and surface interrogations
    Programming Support for Blossoming
    Spatial bounding of self-affine iterated function system attractor sets
    Rendering caustics on non-lambertian surfaces
    A complete treatment of D1 discontinuities in a discontinuity mesh
    Fast rendering of complex environments using a spatial hierarchy
    Hierarchical Visibility Culling for Spline Models
Surfaces I
    Painting gradients: free-form surface design using shading patterns
    Interactive construction of smoothly blended star solids
Surfaces II
    Surface intersection using affine arithmetic
    A technique for constructing developable surfaces
    Triangular B-Splines for Blending & Filling of Polygonal Holes
    Topological Evolution of Surfaces
    Realistic animation of liquids
    Knowledge-driven, interactive animation of human running
    Emotion from Motion
Visualization II
    Interactive visualization and augmentation of mechanical assembly sequences
    Visualizing Geometric Uncertainty of Surface Interpolants
    Visualization of developmental processes by extrusion in space-time