The twenty second Graphics Interface featured three invited speakers whose contributions to computer graphics, its theory and its practice, had raised the profession significantly over the years: Bill Reeves, Jim Foley, and Nestor Burtnyk. Nestor Burtnyk was one of the pioneers in computer animation, an industry that Bill Reeves now represents with such presence. Computer techniques come onto desktops with interfaces designed to assist the user. The best assistance follows precepts of interaction laid down by Jim Foley. Nestor Burtnyk was the recipient of the 1996 CHCCS/SCDHM Achievement Award. GI ’96 also saw the introduction of the Michael A. J. Sweeney Awards.
- Richard Bartels
- Wayne A. Davis
Bill Reeves
Jim Foley
Nestor Burtnyk
- Nestor Burtnyk
1996 Achievement Award
Acceptance Rate
Total Submitted | 72 |
Total Accepted | 29 |
Acceptance Rate | 40.3% |