Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of Graphics Interface and Vision Interface '86

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: 26 - 30 May 1986

© 1986. Published by Canadian Information Processing Society .


Graphics Interface ’86 was held jointly with Vision Interface ’86 (hosted by the Canadian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society or CIPPRS), sharing several common sessions to encourage interaction between these two related fields. In the past, CIPPRS had participated in the program, but not as extensively nor as visibly. A total of 46 papers were presented at the combined conference.


  • Mark Green

Proceedings (402 pages total)

    Proceedings of Graphics Interface and Vision Interface '86: Front Matter
Applications / Applications
    Computer graphics and the fashion industry
    Some implications of dynamic structural analysis
    An encoding scheme for presentation graphics with animation
    Kinematic and geometric modelling and animation of robots
Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence / Infographie et Intelligence Artificielle
    Semantic network reasoning for picture composition
    Experiences with using Prolog for geometry
    The inference machine laboratory: Graphic tools for knowledge management
Display Algorithms / Algorithmes Graphiques
    PORTRAY - an image synthesis system
    An adaptive subdivision by sliding boundary surfaces for fast ray tracing
    Profiling graphic display systems
    Using caching and breadth-first search to speed up ray-tracing
User Interfaces I / Interface Avec L'usager I
    What are visual programming, programming by example, and program visualization?
    An editing model for generating graphical user interfaces
    Automatic generation of graphical user interfaces
Algorithms / Algorithmes
    A fast algorithm for general raster rotation
    A cel-based model for paint systems
    Design and experience with a generalized raster toolkit
    Graphics tools in Adagio, a robotics multitasking multiprocessor workstation
Modelling I / Modelisatlon I
    Exploiting classes in modeling and display software
    Applications of world projections
Human Animation / Animation Du Corps Humain
    Animating human figures: Perspectives and directions
    The interactive specification of human animation
    Goal directed animation using English motion commands
    Speech and expression: A computer solution to face animation
    VIRYA - A motion control editor for kinematic and dynamic animation
    Near-real-time control of human figure models
    Modeling and animating three-dimensional articulate figures
Modelling Ii / Modelisatlon Ii
    Constraint-based modeling of three-dimensional shapes
    The stochastic modelling of trees
    Methods for stochastic spectral synthesis
    Interactive 3-D modeling with personal computers
User Interfaces Ii / Interface Avec L'usager Ii
    Psychology and the user interface: Science is soft at the frontier
    Learning graphics programming by direct communication
Hardware / Matériel
    VLSI and graphics at the pixel level
    Hardware assistance for Z-buffer visible surface algorithms
Animation / Animation
    Eliminating the dichotomy between scripting and interaction
    Survey of texture mapping
    Keyframe-based subactors
    The representation of water
Vision / Graphics Interface / Interface Entre la Vision Par Ordinateur et L'infographie
    Part structure for 3-D sketching
    Interfacing image processing and computer graphics systems using an artificial visual system
    Connected component labeling using modified linear quadtrees
    Asterisk*: An extensible testbed for spline development
    Graphical applications of L-systems
    Fractals, computers and DNA
    A knowledge-based approach to computer vision systems
"Remote Sensing and Geo Information Systems / Teledétectlon et Systèmes D'informatlon
    Integration of Remotely Sensed Data and Geographic Information Systems
    Image Segmentation Based on Color and Texture Gredient
    Map/Image Congruency Evaluation Knowledge Based System
    A Context Based Technique for Smoothing of Digital Thematic Maps
    Principe de codage visuel de la couleur appliqué à des images satellitaires
    A File Organization Scheme for Polygon Data
Robotics / Robotique
    Mathematical Morphology Applied to Range Image Processing
    Incremental Construction of 3-D Models From a Sequence of Framed Views: Matching Partial Objects
    Image Techniques for the Identification of Depressions and Other Obstacles in Automated Guidance of Roving Robots
    A Computational Theory of 3D Shape Reconstruction From Image Contours
Perception and Computational Vision / Perception et la Mathematique de la Vision Par Ordinateur
    Selection and Use of Image Features for Segmentation of Boundary Images
    Cortical Representation of Texture Primitives
    Speeded Phase Discrimination: Evidence for Global to Local Processing
    Correspondence in Apparent Motion: Defining the Heuristics
    Three Processing Characteristics of Texture Discrimination
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition / Traitement D'images et Reconnaissance Des Formes
    Parallel Architectures for Machine Vision
    Determining Displacement Fields Along Contours From Image Sequences
    Edge-Only Matching Techniques in Robot Vision
    A Method of Learning Rules from Uncertain Data Applied to the Computer Vision Problem
    Sequential Estimation of Boundaries in Texture Images
    Detection of Specularities in Colour Images Using Local Operators
Applications: Other / Autres Applications
    Coupling Visual and Dynamic Features to Study Handwritten Signatures
    Detecting Glass Fibers Using Computer Vision
    Reconstruction and Display of The Retina
    Optical Character Recognition of Touching Characters
    Contour Line Region Segmentation